InfoTv installationsguide til Sony Android Player

InfoTv installationsguide til Sony Android Player

InfoTV Android player install guide

The guide down below is for Sony Bravia Android 5.0 or newer:

The set up for InfoTV on Sony Bravia screens with Android 5.0 or newer are in two parts:

  • Part 1: Setup on Sony Bravia Android 5.0 or newer 

  • Part 2: Install InfoTV sigangeOS apk and Setting up Pro-mode 

  1. Setup on Sony Bravia Android 5.0 or newer 

    1. Go to Settings > Network and internet

and choose the wished network. NB: We recommend to use cable connection.

  1. Go to System

    • Choose Date and time

      1. Turn off automatic date and time

      2. Install thereafter following menus: Date, time and Timezone

      3. Choose 24-hours format. 

      4. Now turn on Automatic date and time 

  2. Choose Power and energy

    • Turn off Power Saving 

    • Idle TV power off -> Off 

    • Auto shut off -> Off

  3. Choose Language 

    • Choose your preferred language 

  4. Click on the Home button on the TV-remote. (will close the settings menu) 

  1. Install InfoTV sigangeOS apk and Setting up Pro-mode 

    1. On the homescreen(Home button) click on Pro mode tool 

    2. Press the “Pro settings mode”. It will now switch to the Pro mode settings.

    3. Insert USB with the InfoTV APK file.

    4. Go to settings -> Pro mode settings 

      • Allow all permissions. 

    5. Go to Ac Power on  -> “Always turned on” 

    6. Go to “Periodic restart”. Here it will initiate a restart everyday.
      The picture below is the recommended settings:

  1. Go to Install apk and select InfoTV apk from your USB drive (Allow all the permissions)

  1. Follow the installation process and allow all needed permissions on the device. 

When asked if you want to install “Content Module” press “Install”. 

After installing the content module press “open”. 

A prompt will appear, press “Settings” -> Find “Content Module” and allow it. -> Press “Back” on the TV remote. 

A new prompt has opened. Press “Install apk again”. 

When asked if you want to install an update to “Content module” press “Install”. 

Open the content module again. It will now ask you if you want to install “SignageOS” -> Press install. 

If a prompt appears where it says “This app was built for an older version…….” -> Press  “install anyway”. 

When the signageOS is installed press “open”. 

A new prompt will appear where you need to enable the signageOS accessibility service -> press “Settings”. 

In the settings for “Accessibility” go down to the bottom, where you’ll find signageOS -> enable it. 

Press back on the TV remote to get away from the settings. (Allow all the permissions)

Now allow all the permissions that is needed. 

If a prompt appears that tells you that a serial number is missing press “continue anyway”. 

You are now ready to setup pro-mode.

  1. Go to Apps and choose SignageOS -> Set SignageOS to enable. Press “Back” on the TV remote. 

    • Do the same for Content module (should be right above or below signageOS

  2. Go to Initial input source and choose Android app and choice signageOS app. Thereafter press OK

  3. Now go to the top of the Pro settings and choose Start Pro Mode. Thereafter press OK and the screen will now restart. NB: This can take up to 5 minutes. 

After the restart, the Sony TV is set up correctly with InfoTV. 

When restarting it will briefly go into the “home screen”. Just wait and it will automatically open a screen with the 9 digital registration code.

The guide down below is for changing between Pro-mode and Pro-mode settings. 

In [Pro mode], you can use various convenient functions for professional use. Here, we introduce how to change to [Pro mode] and typical functions of [Pro mode]

Normal mode: This is the default mode. [Pro mode] functions are not available in this mode. 

Pro settings mode: This mode allows you to set various settings of [Pro mode] functions. 

Pro mode: This is the operation mode for professional use where you can use the [Pro mode] functions. 

After each switch in each mode, the monitor will reboot. 

Key sequence (press the below keys on the TVremote in order within 3 seconds) 

UI Selection or Key sequence: (1) Info [i+] (2) Mute (3) Vol + (4) HOME

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