InfoTv installationsguide til WebOS player

InfoTv installationsguide til WebOS player

LG webOS player install guide The guide down below is for LG webOS 4.0 & 6.0

You are in the right spot if you want to create your Digital Signage player based on webOS using the InfoTV software.

Keep in mind, though, that this process requires some basic IT skill

  1. Turn on the display

  1. Set display by “tutorial” (first option after display starts)

  • Important

Please do not skip the LG tutorial and set the display Timezone, time, date, and location respectively to its location. Otherwise, the system will not work correctly.

Get the registration code

  1. Once set, go to Settings -> Ez-settings

  1. Select SI Server Setting

  1. In Server Menu, select the following options:

  • Fully qualified domain – ON

Link to the latest LG webOS Core App:

  1. Application Launch mode – Local

  2. Local Application Upgrade – Remote

  3. Application type – IPK

  4. Auto set – OFF

  • Important

The Auto set – OFF is a mandatory setting. If you leave that to “On,” you cannot update the application remotely. Always keep this option OFF.


                            5. Go up to Local Application Upgrade

  1. Select Remote

  1. App starts downloading and installing.

  1. Once done, restart the display by pressing power off and power on the remote control

Once the display is started with the InfoTV App, you will see a Registration code in the middle of the screen.

After seeing the registration code on your LG TV screen, you must register the player to your InfoTV Account.

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